Monday, March 1, 2010

We're Making Progress

The view from our bedroom at the very start of the bathroom mold cleanup/re-modeling project.

The view one week later. I wish I would have taken more photos. I should have done a before photo to show how tiny & very outdated our bathroom was. Some close-ups of the rotten, mold filled boards & sheet rock might have been good also. I guess I was a bit too grossed out.

Here's what Kaia looks like when she's doing her "chap stick laugh". It's this evil/excited little laugh she always does when she manages to get into Ayla's chap stick. I guess it's just as exciting to play on Ayla's laptop when she's at school.

This is my favorite photo from Ayla's birthday. What you see is three unbearably excited girls. The first sleep-over is a pretty big deal for all kids involved!


Heather S said...

I'm loving that chap stick laugh!

Gary said...

Your pics don't begin to show how bad it really was. But maybe it is a good thing 'cuz as you say, it was gross!

Neisha said...

yes, it was a tiny bathroom! you'll enjoy a bigger size.
love the grin!
i was just thinking that Kylie should have another sleepover this summer.

Jenny said...

Someday I'll come see your new bathroom. Are you going to have a door from your bedroom into the bath? Or put a wall back up?

All American Family said...

Wow - what a project! How hard was it to get those walls out of there? We'd love to knock down a few walls too...not because of mold though. Thank goodness! Our house was built in 1979 so its layout in some areas is kind of crazy. We're wondering if it's something relatively simple that we could do ourselves or something we really need to hire someone else to do that's had a lot of experience. ;) Love the pics of your kids!

Mindy said...

yes we will have a door from our bedroom. we are making it quite a bit larger although it still won't be huge!

our house was built in 79 too! lots of crazy things about this house. it was not hard to take the walls down. it went really fast. it kind of makes me crazy. like now i'm thinking things like, "when this project is done we can bump out this wall & this wall" and on & on!

Ethel said...

i'm hoping you're not sleeping right near all the mold? just worrying about your health!! have fun picking out new stuff for it!!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when there are damage issues that force repairs, but often that's the only way we get things updated. I saw your Fb post about the $$ at Menards... it would be so easy to go wild there. In fact, I think I could live at a home-improvement store. :)

Mindy said...

martha - we are sleeping near the mold, or where the mold was. i think it's ok now as it's out of there & we've cleaned & sprayed stuff down. our poor baby slept right by the worst wall for a whole year & we didn't even realize the mold was growing :(

amy - yes, this is the only way major projects get done around here. it's annoying to be forced into it, but at least it's getting done!

Gary said...

Our house was built in '79 also, by Derrick Construction. I wonder if your house was built by the home owner, who didn't really know what he (or she) was doing.

Mindy said...

gary - we KNOW this house was built by the homeowner. and it was also done very slowly with additions & changes over time. the problem is they didn't seem to have the finished product in mind!! the good thing is that they are neighbors & craig has called him many times with questions about how he did things.