Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Showing My Age Big Time

This past weekend Ayla's class sang the Star-Spangled Banner at the high school basketball game. (It was as cute as it sounds.) Anyway, wow. Did the guys really look like that when I was in high school? You know, like little boys? We didn't have a clue where we were going once we got to the school. So, I just faithfully followed my husband who found us a seat right between the pep band & all the students. Yep we were the only old folks in our section. It was actually a very entertaining place to sit. I didn't watch the game, because I was too busy teenager watching. At one point I leaned over to Craig & told him I would never, ever live through those years again. Not for a million dollars. It's not like I had a horrible school experience. I didn't. I'm just so thankful those years are behind me. Watching all those boys & girls trying to fit in & figure out who they are was a bit painful to watch. It made me glad my kids are still fairly young. I kind of dread those years for them. I am starting to see the appeal of home schooling more & more. I can only hope I'll eventually have some kind of clue about how to guide them as the days and years go by........


Lani said...

Amen. Didn't have a horrible experience, either, but just remember how confused I felt. Even though I didn't know I was confused at the time. Never want to go back.

mom 2 4J's said...

I agree. I didn't have a horrible experience but wouldn't want to re-live those years either. I do think these years will be easier for my kids. Less drama, I hope!

Shannon said...

amen. especially about the little boys part!!!

Darla M said...

As a secretary at school, I see everything. Yes, I see where some are trying to figure out where they fit in, like my daughter. But what speaks loudly to me is when the Jr/Sr. high school principal stops me and tells me that whenever he sees our middle school daugther, she always has a smile on her face. What that must speak to those in the world to see that. Even tho our daughters are not in every sport, they are accepted for who they are. Lights are shining... the world notices and sees. We just keep encouraging from the home life.

All American Family said...

I SOO hear you! I look around at "kids" too and think I wouldn't go back for any amount of money!! I am very thankful I am through with that stage of my life!! (Though I wouldn't mind a re-do of college.) ;) Minus the heartbreak. I pray that David and I instill what is right/ good in our children now as they are young so that when they do go through all the tough years they make it out OK!